
June 29, 2024, Heidelberg: Panosome GmbH together with our partner the German Cancer Research Center received a second KMU Innovativ award for 2.7 million EURO research funding (with 1.8 million EURO to Panosome in non-dilutive funding) to advance our work in developing a treatment for brain cancer.
May 21, 2024, Heidelberg: Panosome GmbH together with our partner the German Cancer Research Center received a 2 million EURO research award (KMU Innovativ, with 1.5 million EURO in non-dilutive funding to Panosome) to advance our work in developing a treatment for pancreatic cancer. Secretary of State, Dr. Jens Brandenburg, visited Panosome GmbH to personally hand over the grant notice. To mark the occasion, a syndicate from members of Encourage Ventures e.V. has announced their commitment to invest in Panosome.
January 2023: VAST platform reported in a comprehensive paper in Cell Reports.

October 2022: Panosome in collaboration with the German Cancer Center receives an ERC Proof of Concept grant to optimize nanoVAST, a VAST-coated trypanosome non- viral LNP for precision payload delivery of genome editors and other cargo.

April 2022: CSO of Panosome and Hepione Dr. Joey Verdi is an invited speaker at the 3rd RNA Editing Summit to present nanoVAST.
June 21, 2021: Founder and CSO Dr. Nina Papavasiliou receives DKFZ Innovation Award for her translational efforts with the VAST platform and Panosome.
November 20, 2020: Founder and CSO Dr. Nina Papavasiliou presents the VAST technology at the 2020 BioRN Annual Conference in Heidelberg. Image link to her recorded presentation.

December 17, 2020: Panosome GmbH registered in Heidelberg, Germany.
September 23, 2020: NIH SBIR grant awarded to VAST sublicensee Hepione Therapeutics for "A Fentanyl Vaccine to Prevent Overdose."